
Song by Deuter “Earth Shadow”


Peace begins with living the values of peace and justice along the borders where your interior meets the external world and especially where your interior intersects the borders of someone else’s interior (the regions of intimacy). Each one of us who can live the humility, the forgiveness, the wisdom, the insight and the LOVE required for this journey is an Ambassador for Peace and Justice.

Only you can discover and determine for yourself what is at the center of your soul, what drives you toward living and promoting peace in the world. For me, I must be a living act of devotion and trust in the notion that we share a spiritual heart from which the innate forces in life harken us all toward. The more conscious and trusting I become in a connective spiritual life force the more loving, peaceful, creative and grateful I am while living this gift of life here on this beautiful planet.

Ignorance of love, and fear manifest in pain and suffering everywhere they exist. To perpetrate violence in any way upon another is a function of fear and a false sense of inferiority. Sadly, mankind has set in motion systems perpetuating these illusions of self. These systems then give birth to the likes of Hitler, Stalin, and on and on and on….. to include all of their proteges.

When we are afraid and fear to be inferior, abandoned, rejected, unworthy of love, we are often tempted to dominate, control and sometimes annihilate others. The weapons of violence are not limited to guns, fists and knives. Social policy when by design aims to inflict suffering on lives, this too is a form of violence. Harsh words can also be used as weapons. And the temptation is great to point to what others are doing. The great challenge is asking ourselves what are we doing?

It has been said that wars outside are merely the reflection of the war we are waging inside. As if the wars being fought along the borders of countries and lands are as the wars along the borders of ourselves and others. In light of this viewpoint, it may become clear how it is far more courageous to be PEACEFUL and LOVING. For to do so, often means facing our deepest fears sometimes in the darkest places within ourselves. The greatest challenge is practicing these principles in the face of ignorance. (See Eulogy for Charleston shooting victims)

When we live from our true source we are confident, loving warriors of peace and justice. We become an illuminating presence in the world. Think of those who have been such a beacon in your personal world and in the global world. Draw strength and wisdom from them going forward.

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