Guns and the human heart in search of love.


GunGUNS, DEATH AND the HUMAN HEART: As we confront this issue of gun violence and guns, we must not stop our inquiry into this incredibly deep issue at the surface but rather continue to dig deep into our own hearts, minds and collective societal fabric.

We must continue on seeking to understand how we promote, contribute and cocreate such a culture of violence. We must ask ourselves some some fundamental questions such as; What are we teaching young men? What are we teaching our youth collectively about loving kindness? What are we teaching our young men and women about how to cope safely, lovingly and authentically with their raw emotions? What messages are we sending to members of our beloved citizens about protection, war and peace as we navigate our way through problems together seeking solutions? What messages are sent to young men who cry when hurt, what messages are being sent to young men and women who are unable to climb the ladder to socially acceptable success in a man-made culture from which they are expected to find themselves and ultimately see themselves as self-respecting mature men and women? What does the very fact that gun violence is among the highest in America than any other industrialized nation say about you and me? What does it say that there is a vast market for guns which are by design made to kill? What does it all say? What do we value more than life?  What do we value more than Love? Do we value money more, guns more, do we tell ourselves we value freedom more?

Real Freedom for the masses as well as the individual demands a conscience, wisdom and guidance toward the promotion of self-esteem based in regard for fellow human beings, our beloved home this planet, and our fellow sentient beings with whom we share this planet. Real freedom also demands actions which flow from respect for self and other. Freedom demands the evolution of maturity and wisdom. Freedom demands humility and the ability to self-reflect and self-correct. For where there is freedom there is no dictator to blame, no God or Gods are to blame, no one. In fact, where there is the true freedom the emphasis must not be on who to blame as much as it must be on asking the questions discussed above. Blame will only serve to control and to control is not the final solution. No one will survive real freedom without the promotion of these basic qualities of Love. With out these qualities we kill each other in a thousand ways and not just with guns.
Furthermore, seeking blame alone will never promote the evolution of the human being nor will it lead to the flowering of love. In fact freedom demands the epitome of love and compassion for others if those who wish to live and thrive will do so in peace.
Those among us who have come to know love, know a reduction in fear, know an increase in the ability to see and experience greater beauty, and know that real safety lies only in love. Only you can process the questions raised here, only you can decide to freely contemplate these questions in the rawness they are presented, beyond all previously held convictions. Our survival will indeed only be guaranteed by love never by fear and the violence it produces. As always we, you and me must each choose. This our society our world our culture. Lk

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